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Welcome to Halo!


These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your access to and use of (the "App"), including any content, features, and services provided by Halo (collectively referred to as the "Service"). By accessing or using the Service, you agree to be bound by these Terms.


1. Acceptance of Terms

You must fully understand and agree to the terms stated below before using or accessing the Service. The legal foundation guiding your use of the Service is provided by these Terms. You automatically agree to these Terms if you keep using any part of the Service or keep accessing it.  By using the Service, you consent to be bound by the terms and conditions stated here. It is imperative to acknowledge that, in the event that you elect to access or utilize any part of the Service, you will be legally bound by the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement. By continuing to access or use the Service, you knowingly agree to be bound by the terms stated in this agreement. This means that by accepting these Terms, you voluntarily agree to abide by their terms and conditions.  You should not use or access the Service if, for any reason, you are unable or unable to agree to all of the terms and conditions included in this agreement. Refusing to use the Service indicates that you do not agree to these Terms, and you are released from all responsibility or liability arising from such action.  You and the organization offering the Service must recognize that these Terms are a legally binding contract. Therefore, you risk facing legal repercussions or having your access to the Service terminated if you don't follow any of the guidelines set forth in this document.


2. User Information Requirements for Login 

  • Name: We respect being able to call you by name and personalize our communication.

  • Age: Knowing your age enables us to offer services and information that are appropriate for your tastes and stage of life. Tell us how old you are, please.

  • Date of Birth: We need to know your date of birth to confirm your identification and make sure you are old enough to use any of our app's features. Please provide your birthdate in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.

  • Location: By knowing where you are, we are able to provide location-specific results 


3. How the app work:

 Entering personal information such as birthdate and other pertinent details is required of users. With the use of this information, the app creates in-depth charts that explore different facets of the users' Human Designs. The application has an easy-to-use design that makes it simple to navigate through and obtain personalized information. An enhanced comprehension of the complexities of Human Design is possible through the interaction of users with dynamic charts that graphically depict their design. In order to make decisions in line with their inner wisdom, seers learn to recognize and utilize their authority, whether it be emotional, sacral, splenic, or in another kind. In order to illuminate the user's innate traits and possible trajectories, the app also investigates how their profile fits into the Human Design framework.


4. Type:

The program will provide insights into your Human Design type by evaluating the information and chart provided. According to the principles of Human Design, this classification sheds light on basic characteristics of your personality, conduct, and possible life paths. Users get a better knowledge of their own nature, their innate characteristics, and their possible paths through this classification. Users can live more clearly and purposefully and make decisions in line with their inner wisdom by identifying and comprehending their Human Design type.


5. Aura

The term "aura" refers to a person's distinct electromagnetic field that is thought to emerge from their inner essence, and it goes beyond the physical body. People’s perceptions, actions, and relationships are believed to be shaped by this aura, which affects how they interact with the world around them. A vital component of each person's Human Design profile, their aura type provides profound insights into their underlying traits and life navigation style.


6. Strategy

The strategy for users is to inform others before taking action. By proactively sharing their intentions and decisions, users can reduce resistance and facilitate smoother interactions, thus aligning with their innate energy and potential impact on the world.


7. Authority

"Authority" refers to the inbuilt decision-making process that is particular to each person and directs them toward decisions that are consistent with their actual nature and goals. This internal compass can take many different forms. For example, Emotional Authority is a sort that makes decisions gradually by letting emotions subside before taking action.  People can handle life's complexity with authenticity, confidence, and alignment with their deepest beliefs by acknowledging and respecting their authority. This can lead to a road of fulfillment and personal development.


8. Energy level

 "Energy level" refers to a sophisticated assessment of a person's innate liveliness and ability to interact with the outside world. The way people manage their lives is shaped by this dynamic part of the human experience, which is deeply woven throughout each aura type. Generators in Relation to Manifesting A generator is usually a source of strong, endless energy, and it thrives when it is used for things that it is passionate about. On the other hand, Users could have erratic energy and need sudden energetic outbursts to get things done. Requiring periods of rest, projectors, having a more concentrated and limited energy reserve, work best when they are using their resources to the fullest.


9. Centre Activation:

 Energy centre activation within the Human Design framework has a significant impact on how people interact and connect with their environment. This concept revolves around the Sacral Centre, which determines one's ability to transfer energy to others. This fluctuation in energy levels emphasizes how crucial it is for people to be self-aware and establish boundaries so they can manage their relationships with others.


10. Environmental Preference:

The App's users indicate that they enjoy different types of environments, such as lively and happy ones or calm ones that are good for introspection. By offering a variety of experiences and material that are suited to the user's preferred ambient ambiance, we want to satisfy these preferences. Users can anticipate information and interactions that correspond with their preferred environment, whether they are looking for calm and quiet settings or bright and cheery ones.


11. Motivational Preferences 

Motivational Preferences using this site have a variety of motivational preferences and look for different kinds of support and inspiration. Whether people are driven by encouraging and positive messages, useful counsel, or insights into their own personal development, we are aware of these many motivational demands and work to meet them. Our goal is to create an environment that is encouraging and empowering for our users' personal and professional development by offering experiences and information that speak to their motivational preferences.


12. Accuracy of Information:

While our goal is to provide accurate and insightful analyses, it's important to acknowledge that the interpretation of Human Design information may vary, and therefore, the App cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy or reliability of the information provided. Users should understand that Human Design is a complex system that involves interpretation and may not always yield definitive results. Users are encouraged to exercise discretion when applying the recommendations provided by the app. While the analyses and insights offered by the app can be valuable, they should be considered as guidance rather than absolute truths. Users should take into account their own intuition, personal experiences, and other factors when making decisions based on the information provided by the app. It's important for users to recognize that interpretations of Human Design can vary based on individual perspectives and experiences. What may resonate with one user may not necessarily resonate with another. Therefore, users should approach the information provided by the app with an open mind and be willing to explore different interpretations.


13. Personal Responsibility

Users recognize that the information and insights provided by the App are only meant to be used for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal advice. It is recommended that users make well-informed judgments using their own discretion and, if needed, seek professional advice. Users understand that, based on unique situations, the usefulness and applicability of any tactics or insights offered may differ. It is the user's duty to determine whether or not such material is pertinent and appropriate for their particular circumstance. By using the techniques or insights offered by the App, Users undertake all related risks. The user's decisions or actions based on the information provided are their own responsibility, and the App shall not be held responsible for any unfavorable results or repercussions. To address particular issues or get tailored counsel, users are advised to consult with qualified professionals, such as financial advisors, healthcare specialists, or legal experts, as needed. The App should only be used as an additional resource; it does not serve to replace the knowledge or discretion of qualified professionals.


14. Privacy and Data Security

The App is committed to protecting the privacy and security of user data. Personal information provided for generating analyses will be treated with strict confidentiality and used solely for the intended purposes outlined in the Privacy Policy.


15. Intellectual Property Rights:

Users agree that the app is the only owner of all content, including but not limited to articles, charts, analyses, and other materials made available on the app. This content is also protected by copyright and trademark laws, among other intellectual property laws. Without first obtaining the owner of the app's express approval, users agree not to distribute, reproduce, alter, or create derivative works of any content found on the app. Copying, downloading, and sharing content for business or non-commercial use are examples of this, but they are not the only ones. The content on the App may be accessed and used by users for personal, non-commercial purposes only, subject to the limitations, non-exclusive rights and revocations stated below. The app may, at their discretion, grant permission in any individual circumstance. To the maximum extent allowed by law, the App retains the right to defend its intellectual property rights, including by filing a lawsuit to stop any illegal use or content infringement. Users who are discovered to be in breach of these conditions risk fines and legal repercussions.


16. Consultations with a Human Design Expert: 

If users would want more individualized advice and in-depth analysis of their Human Design chart, they can purchase extra consultations with a qualified Human Design expert. Depending on the user's particular Human Design profile and life circumstances, these sessions may involve in-depth analysis, interpretation, and useful insights. Users understand that these sessions are not intended to be counselling or professional advisory services; rather, they are offered solely for informative and educational purposes.


17. Payment and Scheduling:

In accordance with the App's determination, Users agree to pay the designated fee for any further sessions with the Human Design expert. Sessions will be arranged according to the user's and the expert's mutual availability, and payment can be made via the approved payment channel. their personal charts. Users acknowledge that, with the exception of extraordinary circumstances determined by the owner of the App, session costs are not refundable after the session has begun.


18. Goals and Scope:

The purpose of extra sessions with the human design expert is to provide more information and elucidation of the user's human design chart, along with direction on how to apply the principles of human design to different facets of life. Users understand that the expert's analysis and suggestions are based on their training and experience in Human Design analysis and aren't meant to take the place of medical advice or counselling. 


19. Privacy and confidentiality:

Users acknowledge that any information supplied with the Human Design expert in follow-up sessions will be treated with the utmost discretion and in compliance with the App's privacy policy. Absent the user's express approval, the expert will not divulge any private or sensitive material discussed during sessions, unless mandated by law.


20. Friends and Family:

 Additional Human Design charts can be purchased by users to provide their friends and family members the opportunity to study and comprehend their own Human Design profiles. These chart additions are offered to consumers as a service and can be purchased apart from one-on-one consultations with the Human Design specialist. Users understand that their friends' charts must be interpreted accurately and with the same care as their own.


21. Limitation of Liability:

Users acknowledge and agree that the limitations of liability set forth in this clause apply to their use of the app and all related services provided under this agreement, including but not limited to the 

  1. The program makes an effort to offer precise and perceptive analysis based on the private data users enter, but it is unable to ensure that the data is entirely accurate or reliable.

  2. Users acknowledge and agree that there may be differences in how the Human Design charts are interpreted, and the app disclaims all liability for any errors, inconsistencies, or misinterpretations that result from using its services.

  3. Users realize that they are accountable for the personal data they provide into the app and that this data is necessary for the app to function. Although the app is meant to help users explore their Human Design profiles, individuals are ultimately in charge of the choices and actions they make in light of the information supplied.

  4. Users are aware that, even though the app might provide advise and insights based on Human Design principles, it shouldn't be used in place of expert counsel or discretion in practical situations. When in doubt, users are recommended to consult with knowledgeable professionals.

  5. Users understand that while the app's analysis may not fully capture the complexities of their unique experiences or circumstances, it is meant to aid in self-discovery and personal progress.

  6. Users acknowledge that the app's suggestions are not prescriptive and should only be used as instruments for introspection and investigation. The app may offer suggestions regarding the users' inner wisdom and authority.

  7. In order to shed light on users' inherent characteristics and potential paths, the app looks into how their profiles fit into the larger Human Design framework. Users are aware, nonetheless, that the app's analysis is based on general principles and may not fully capture their unique experiences.

  8. Users understand that maintenance, unanticipated events, or technological problems may affect the app's functioning and disrupt or restrict their ability to use its services.

  9. The app cannot ensure the security of data communicated over the internet, even with security safeguards in place. Users take the risk that their personal information may be disclosed or accessed without authorization.

  10. The usage of the app and its producers disclaims all liability for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not limited to lost profits, data loss, or interruption of business.

  11. Without giving users advance warning, the app maintains the right to update or change its features and services. Users accept that the app will not be responsible for any losses or damages brought on by these changes.

The App, its affiliates, partners, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers shall be indemnified, defended, and held harmless by users against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to:

  1. breach of confidentiality duties or any other violation of this agreement, including but not limited to the infringement of any intellectual property rights.

  2. Using the App's services or material in a way that contravenes the law, regulations, or rights of third parties in force.

  3. anything that a user uploads, posts, transmits, or otherwise makes available over the App.

  4. Any behavior or communications a user has on the App with other users or other parties.

  5. any misuse or illegal access to the user's password or account.

  6. any loss or harm brought on by malware, viruses, or other potentially dangerous items sent over the App.

  7. Any disagreement or action resulting from a user's usage of the App between users or between a user and a third party.

  8. everything the user does carelessly or intentionally wrong when using the App.


22. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using any feature or service provided by the App, users agree to abide by these Terms of Service. Continued use of the App constitutes acceptance of any updates or changes to these terms. In addition, we are allowed to use your e-mail to send you updates in regards of the halo and aura app only.


23. Governing Law

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Delaware, USA, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.


24. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at

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